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Amesbury School

School logo by Urs Cunningham

Parent sessions running at school in Term 1

Urs Cunningham - February 2, 2021

We have a number of parent events and sessions coming up this term.

In order to help us all settle in to the new year, and begin to familiarise ourselves with new hubs, systems and teachers, there are a number of sessions and events open to parents this term. This article contains details about all parent events this term, and the dates of these events are also in the school calendar.

Meet ‘n Greet for 2021 12th Feb

Come along on Friday evening 12th Feb (end of the second week at school) from 5-7pm to meet the teachers in our three teams.

Koru Hub team session will run from 5:15 - 5:45pm in Kowhai (yellow carpet area in Koru Hub)

Harakeke Hub team session will run from 5:50 - 6:20pm in Kikorangi (blue carpet area in Harakeke Hub)

Pōhutukawa Hub team session will run from 6:25 - 6:55pm in Māwhero (ink carpet area in Harakeke Hub)

Each team will introduce the teachers in the team, and talk through some general admin for the hub, such as the weekly timetable, routines through the day, and some key information about routines and systems in the team. There will also be time for parents to introduce themselves to teachers at the end of the session.

Children are most welcome to come along as part of the evening, too. Kelly Sports will be running activities out on the main school field, and school leaders and teachers will be supervising children around the grounds and in the playgrounds. Parents are most welcome to leave children playing in school grounds as they head inside for the hub sessions. As usual, snacks will be provided - pizza and sausages, including vegetarian and gluten free options, will be available.

This is also a good opportunity to come along and meet other parents and teachers. Phil, our guitar teacher, will be performing with his band, Red Fernz. It’s a lovely way to spend a (hopefully) sunny evening.

In the event of poor weather, the team sessions will still go ahead, and children can hang out indoors in Koru Hub, with supervision from teachers and Kelly Sports coaches.

Parent Information Session 9 March

This will be held on Tuesday 9th March, from 4 - 5:15pm

It will be comprised of two sections:

a) 4 - 4:30 = Information session for new parents. Amaria and Koru teachers will run a session in Kowhai (yellow carpet in Koru Hub) for parents of new five year old students, to help them with information about transitioning to school. Lisa and Demelza will also run a session for new parents of students in years 2-6, to help with the transition to Amesbury School.

b) 4:30 - 5:15 = Information sessions about our new learning system, LINC-ED Hero. There will be three info sessions running, all of which will give very similar information about Hero, but may involve different questions from parents.

*One session will be for parents new Amesbury School

*One session will be for parents more familiar with Amesbury and our previous ALF system

*One session will be translated into Mandarin

As part of the Hero sessions, there will be time for parents to ask questions about how Hero works, or seek individual support from teachers if you are having trouble getting set up on Hero.

There will not be separate childcare / active supervision of children outside in these sessions, as all teachers will be involved in information sessions.

School Open Morning 23rd March

On Tuesday 23rd March we will hold an open morning between 9 - 11am, when parents and whānau are most welcome to come and spend time in our learning spaces, seeing what learning sessions look like at Amesbury. A little closer to the time, we will send out a sign up form for this.

Parent Consultation Session: Health and PE 23rd March

On Tuesday 23rd March there will be a parent consultation session from 6 - 7pm focused around Health and PE. We will have some key focus questions around the Health and PE curriculum we teach at school, and the input we get from parents will help us to plan our learning programmes in these areas for the rest of the year.

Student Learning Conferences: 14th and 15th April

In the final week of Term 1, we will hold our first round of student learning conferences. Parents can book a conference time with their child’s whānau teacher. Each conference lasts for 20 mins, and involves discussing learning progress and current goals around learning and social skills. We encourage students to attend their conference, where possible, and Harakeke and Pōhutukawa students are expected to attend, as they have a large amount of input into the conference, sharing their learning and discussing their goals.

We will send out more information closer to the time about how to book a conference.  

Warm regards, 

The Amesbury Team