John Murrihy — Jun 14, 2020

With Level 1 now in place we are still continuing with our hygiene, and pick up & drop off protocols.

School Lunches are back!

For those that have missed their Wednesday to Friday school lunches - they are back from this week.

You are able to place an order, amend it, or cancel it up to 8.15am on the day it is due:

Co-curricular Invoices

Just a reminder that all of the co-curricular invoices have been raised in the school shop. If your child is taking these lessons and you haven't  already done so, it would be appreciated if you could pay the outstanding amount as soon as possible.

If you have any queries or I've made a mistake please email me, John,

Entertainment Books

This year's Entertainment Books are now available and the timing couldn't have been more perfect as we enter Level 1.

Not only do you get tremendous discounts on a wide range of products and services, you are supporting the school at the same time.

Interested? Obtain your copy here.

Scholastic Books Club

Term 2, 2020 of Scholastic's Book Club is now available for online ordering.

Orders will be open until 23rd June 2020 and books will be sent to school as they arrive at school and are sorted out.

If you have any questions, email or just drop in and see her.

It's that season again ... puddles and mud!

Please pack a spare set of short/pants/leggings and underpants in the school bag (for all ages) with a plastic bag to put the wet clothes in, and let your child know that they are there for them, as many students prefer to change into their own clothes when they get wet and muddy. We have limited space to hold a small selection of spares but are not always able to cater for all sizes and 'requests'.

At various times last week spare clothes were needed but the kids didn't have anything to change into.


Labelling: please check that the names on fleeces are clear and able to be easily read.


Lost Property

Nothing claimed this week but more added to the list.

Community Notices

Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter

If you haven't already come across it please check out the latest Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter to see what's happening in Churton Park.

Cook up a storm these holidays - from home

If your children are interested in furthering their culinary skills then this could be for them - all without leaving your own kitchen.

there is a great special price for the upcoming holidays of only $30 for the Winter School Holiday Programme and $40 for the Baking & Cooking Programme.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Cheryl at