Hero photograph
Photo by Urs Cunningham

Movin' March winning school!

Urs Cunningham —

Amesbury School is the district winner for participation in the Movin' March event for 2019, which is fabulous news!

As part of 'Movin' March' students had the opportunity to complete up to 40 journeys to and from school (over the four weeks of March) by walking or wheeling (WoW) in some way. Our total WoW count averaged out to 16.1 WoW journeys for every student in the school over that time period, which is fantastic. This was the highest total for all participating schools in the Wellington district. 

As the winning school we received a $100 Prezzi card. This money has been added to the fundraising that our Movin' March ourTime student group completed. The group will be spending this money on buying scooter and skate ramps for students to use during break times - another way to keep students keen on skating or scooting to school. 

Well done to everyone who participated in Movin' March, and many thanks to all whānau who helped to support the students with this. 

Warm regards, 

The Amesbury team