Hero photograph
Photo by Lesley Murrihy

New website launched

Lesley Murrihy —

Amesbury School's new website went live last night. It integrates Hail and now provides a one stop shop for all communication needs. 

Check it out now at www.amesbury.school.nz  

For some time now it has been clear that people want personalised communication. Some like the constant barrage of emails or posts and some hate it. Some want to access information only weekly or fortnightly, when they can take a leisurely stroll (or perhaps "scroll" is more apt) through it.  People certainly want information stored so that they can easily go back and find important information such as camp or trip notices. It has taken us a while, but our website has it all and, is, hopefully, laid out in a simple, accessible way.

As you familiarise yourself with the website, please let us know if you find links that don't work, typos etc.,  incorrect information or you notice information that would be useful but is missing. Please help us to make this website great.

Again, take the time to check out our website at www.amesbury.school.nz