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Amesbury School

by Georgia Poole

Year 4-6 Swimming Sports - 2023

Onaitta Setefano - June 8, 2023

Swimming Sports for Year 4-6 ākonga (students) will take place at Keith Spry Pool in Johnsonville on Tuesday 18th July (Week 1 of Term 3)

Here is the information for the Year 4-6 Swimming Sports:

  • The races will commence at 10:30am and our goal is to conclude by 12:30pm.

  • Both the Main Pool and Teaching Pool will be utilised this year.

  • Spectators are warmly invited to attend and witness the races, providing support to our ākonga.

Every ākonga must come prepared with the following items:

  • Togs, 2 towels, a swimming cap, goggles.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could label your child's belongings. As they will be expending significant energy throughout the day, we also suggest packing small, nutritious snacks in their lunches.

The results from our swimming sports will be used by the kaiako (teachers) to assemble the team for the Northern Zone swimming competition. Only ākonga who participate in full-length races will be eligible to qualify for the Northern Zone team.

If you have any questions about this event you can email:

Eilís -

Onaitta -

or contact your child's whānau teacher.

Ngā mihi,

The Amesbury Team