Hero photograph
Photo by Gina Quintero

The countdown to our Cultural Festival is on!

Gina Quintero —

Term 4 has started with a bang and all the children taking part in the Cultural Festival are very excited and are busily preparing their performances.

Be sure to mark your calendars for Friday the 10th of November 4-6 pm for Amesbury’s Official New Building Opening and Cultural Festival.


Amesbury School will be celebrating the official opening of the new building, and what better way to do this than by acknowledging the multiple cultures present in our school community. With so much going on, be sure to bring some coins and enjoy the atmosphere.

  • BOOK FAIR - You are welcome to come, browse, and buy some goodies from 3:30 pm. The book fair will be set up in the Library.

  • CULTURAL PERFORMANCES - We will be showcasing a range of cultural dances along with some country-specific information stalls prepared by our enthusiastic ākonga and their whānau. Performances will start in the centre courtyard straight after the official opening of the new building at 4:45 p.m.

  • FOOD STALLS - we will be selling some kai (hangi and sausages) from 4 p.m. just outside the ground floor of the Pōhutukawa Hub. Below is what you need to know:

Hangi - it will be cooked in two multikai cookers - one cooker is for the meat and some vegetables, the other is solely for vegetables. We expect this food to be ready at 5pm.

There are 2 choices of Hangi:

$10 Meat Hangi (1 Chicken Drumbstick, 1 Lamb Chop, 2 Potatoes, 1 Carrot, 1 Pumpkin, Cabbage & Stuffing)

$8 Vegetarian Hangi (4 Potatoes, 2 Carrots, 2 Pumpkin, 2 servings of Cabbage, 2 servings of Stuffing)

There is a limit on how many Hangi we can sell so your order must be placed and paid for through Kindo (online school shop). You will be able to place your order from today, 13th October. Orders will close this off in Kindo on Monday 30 October.

The sausage sizzle will be going throughout the event. You can purchase a sausage on the afternoon for $2.

All proceeds from the kai will be combined with the funds raised at the Kapa Haka festival to commission someone to design and make Pou for the new building at Amesbury School which is to everyone's benefit.


BAKE SALE - We are looking for yummy baked donations to sell for a koha (gold coin) during the afternoon. It would be fantastic to see some treats from different countries for everyone to enjoy. More information regarding this will be available at a later date.

CULTURAL STALLS - If you have artifacts from your culture that you would want to display, we invite you to set up a booth.

We understand that you all have very busy schedules, and we are grateful for any assistance you can provide.

  • Thursday afternoon from 3:30 pm - help prepare the food for the Hangi. Jobs will include peeling and cutting vegetables, as well as making stuffing. Amaria will be guiding and supervising you.

  • Friday afternoon from 3:00 pm - setting up and cooking the sausages on the barbeque; setting up stalls; supervising a stall run by our ākonga; assisting with sales at the bake sale stall; and assisting with cleanup at the end of our event.

If you help, please contact Gina by email: gina@amesbury.school.nz

This is a major event for our school and we can not do this without your support.

We look forward to seeing you all at this amazing event.

Ngā mihi nui,

Na Gina Quintero