Hero photograph
Photo by Urs Cunningham

From our Amesbury Board Presiding Member

Urs Cunningham —

To our Amesbury School whānau,

Well, it’s been another huge year in the life of our school. We are still seeing our community and culture change following the periods of covid restrictions. Our country and the world face huge economic pressures and challenges. All of these changes create many pressures on young and old alike. I’ve been really challenged at a personal level to not just think about myself when times are hard but to try to think of others first. I have tried to find a way each day to do at least one act of kindness for someone else. I can’t say I’ve seen miracles (yet) but it’s been nice to sometimes just bring a smile to someone’s day.

Our school faces change all the time, and sadly we say goodbye to some of our teaching whānau this year. To each one departing, you have my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the impact you have all made on our children’s lives while with us at Amesbury. You will all be missed and I wish you the very best for the future. I’m also excited in the recruitment that has taken place and the new Amesbury team that will form for 2024.

With a number of staff leaving, I wanted to let you all know that as a school board we are conducting interviews with all our leavers and also all of our returning staff. It’s important to hear from both groups, and the board and the senior leadership team will then take any key findings into the planning process for next year.

This year has had one very large and obvious highlight for me – our new building. It’s beautiful, functional and very very special. It’s a credit to our designers, build team, ministry team and staff what has been accomplished over the past few years. Opening the building officially was such a wonderful milestone and an exciting launch point for the team heading into next year with such great facilities.

This year marks the end of my official journey with school as I sign off after 11 and ½ years on the board, and nearly seven years as Board Chair. It has been a journey that has seen me develop deep care and love for our school staff, students, their families and our school's place in our community. I could not have imagined how rewarding and special this time would be as I started way back when the school first opened. I wish Urs and the team and the returning board all the very best for the future and charge them to continue to do their very best to care for our school and the wonderful children that pass through its doors over the coming years.

Blessing to you all as we head to this holiday season and all the best for you all in the new year.
