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Share and Celebrate Week 2 Term 3

Urs Cunningham —

On Rāmere (Friday) we held our first Share and Celebrate of term 3. Read on to find out more about the fabulous people who were celebrated this week.

Our Share & Celebrate events are a time to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga (students) who have been noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. If you have fabulous things your tamariki have been doing outside of school that you would like to share and celebrate, please email the details to your child's whānau teacher.

Here are the fabulous ākonga who were celebrated this week:

  • August & Leonardo: We are so impressed with August and Leonardo’s work in Literacy. They have recently been given some extra challenges, especially in their writing. They are showing an amazing growth mindset by trying new things even if they seem hard. Ka rawe!

  • Divan, Zoe G, Yolanda and Ollie W: The four of you chose to do your mihi in front of our kura (school) as part of the Mihi Whakatau last Friday.  We were impressed with your pronunciation of the kupu(words) and how you let the words roll off your arero (tongue) smoothly.  Ka mau te wehi (awesome).

  • Sophia P: Sophia has been working super hard in maths. She has a fantastic attitude to her learning, and she is showing leadership by supporting others. We are very proud of her efforts.

  • Nivaan, Jorgito, Ryker, Krishab, Ayaan and Aarush: Thank you for being awesome librarians and helping us put the books away in the right places. You are all showing amazing leadership. Ka rawe.

  • Theia: You impressed us so much with your reading earlier this week. You used expression and fluency when you read aloud, and you also showed perseverance in keeping going with your reading independently. You tried your very best; ka rawe for your super effort with your learning.

  • Gabriella, Angela Yang, Miesha, Shiloh, Esita, Durrah, Tiffany, Shenaya, Allee, JD, Nixon, Eden, Arthur Y, Eliano, and Monty: You did an amazing job in leading our kura(school) in the Mihi Whakatau last Friday.  You stood with confidence and did your part with pride.  Rawe koutou (excellent).

  • Basti: You were an amazing leader in Māwhero, supporting your younger buddy, showing great leadership and using kindness and patience to help them. Ka rawe for being such a wonderful leader.

    Well done to all of our amazing ākonga who were celebrated and acknowledged this week. Your leadership, help and support for others, and focus and motivation with your learning makes our kura (school) a great place to be. Ka pai te mahi, well done.