Trip to Te Papa - Term 1
All students will have the opportunity to visit the colossal dinosaurs of Patagonia before they are gone...
Kia ora koutou,
As part of our inquiry learning this term, both hubs will be going on a day trip to Te Papa.
Students will have the opportunity to 'travel back in time' as they learn about what the Earth was like when dinosaurs roamed the planet, and how our understanding of these incredible creatures has changed and grown over time.
Highlights will include
- a 30-metre-long cast of a Patagotitan, one of the largest creatures to ever walk the Earth
- eleven other precise casts, from tiny Manidens to ferocious Tyrannotitan, which preyed on Patagotitan
- one of the biggest fossilised bones ever found: a Patagotitan’s femur
- a guided programme in a highly interactive and engaging exhibition with plenty of opportunities for discussion, reflection, and further learning
There will be time for all groups to spend exploring some of the other permanent exhibits as well.
- Koru Hub will be going on Tuesday 20th February
- Pōhutukawa Hub will be going on Thursday 22nd February
Parent help is essential for this trip to go ahead, so please consider volunteering your time. This is a fantastic chance for whānau to learn alongside tamariki and get an up close look at the dinosaurs before the exhibit moves at the end of the term (public tickets normally $30).
If you are able to help, please contact the following teachers (for your child’s hub):
Koru Hub -
Pōhutukawa Hub -
Costs for this trip will be available closer to the time.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s whānau teacher, or Angela
Ngā mihi nui,
The Amesbury Team