Student Conferences Term 1 2024
Urs Cunningham - March 14, 2024
At Amesbury School, we have a number of ways of reporting to parents.
Ongoing reporting: Your child's learning profile on Hero is available at all times. This shows your child's learning levels, goals and next steps in reading, writing, maths, and social and emotional development. The profile also shows your child's school attendance.
In Term 1 this year we will be holding student conferences. This is where students, caregivers and kaiako (teachers) discuss the child's learning and learning goals.
In Term 3 we will publish a learning report through Hero. This will look at learning behaviours, social behaviours and next steps for your child, along with having goals and learning levels showing on your child's learning profile on Hero.
In Term 4 your child will write their own reflection and learning story about their progress and goals in their learning. This will be shared through Hero.
Student conferences this term
We will be holding our conferences as 20 minute meetings at school. We would also like tamariki to attend these meetings, where possible. This gives parents and caregivers, tamariki and kaiako (teachers) the chance to discuss their child's progress, their learning levels and social development.
Please find booking information below, including how the online conference will work, and who you need to book a conference time with.
When the conferences are running:
Angela's whānau:
Wednesday 10th April from 3:30pm onwards.
All other whānau groups:
Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th April from 3:30pm owards.
Pōhutukawa groups will have a small number of afternoon meeting slots available on these days, too.
- School interview website: We use the 'School Interviews' website to allow parents to book conferences online. Please follow this link to the website.
Use this booking code: xyz29
- Who to book with: We are asking parents in all hubs to book a conference time with their child's whānau teacher. Please click on this link: Student Conference Groups, which shows the whānau groups for each team - this tells you who to book a conference with. Whānau teachers will be able to discuss your child's learning in all areas of the curriculum, even if they don't necessarily teach them for all learning areas.
- Who attends the conferences - for our student conferences we encourage students to attend as well, where possible, so that they can be part of the conversation around their learning.
- What will the conferences cover - all conferences will generally cover the following areas:
*Social behaviours generally - how they interact with others at school and how they have settled in (if they are new to Amesbury School)
*Current learning levels in all main learning areas
*How you are managing to access learning information on HERO
*Transition to Amesbury (for five year olds who have started school recently and for any students who have transferred from another school)
- When the conference bookings are closed - Conference bookings will be closed at 8am on the morning of the first day of conferences, i.e. Wednesday 10 April - This allows teachers to be prepared for the conferences they have scheduled. Last minute surprise bookings can mean teachers are not able to be fully prepared for a conference, so conference bookings are closed the day that the first conference begins.
If you have any further questions regarding student conferences please don't hesitate to contact your child's whānau teacher.
Ngā mihi,
The Amesbury team