admin Amesbury School — Aug 13, 2015

... or you can just borrow!  Would you enjoy a good read, but no time to get to the library?  How about a book from school...

We have a variety of adult fiction and non-fiction books.

The book swap cupboard is open any time the school is open, so if you have some spare time at drop off or pickup, come on in for a browse.  The cupboard is just along from the reception area/library, across from the High Five wall and coffee machine. 

If you have any spare books add them to the collection, however you are also welcome to just borrow and return a book.

Interested in drama, romance, mystery or action - we have books by Dale Brown, Patricia Cornwell, Bryce Courtney, Diana Galbaldon, James Patterson, Jody Picoult and Paullina Simons, to name a few.

Here's a few familiar titles that may be of interest ...