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Amesbury School

by Sonali Singh Nandra

It has been an exciting term in Harakeke Hub!

Sonali Singh Nandra - September 8, 2022

At the beginning of the term, we were very excited to be able to have parents and whānau come in and visit our hub to see our learning celebration. Weekly ASB trips and starting our showcase preparation were some of the highlights for students as well. Read on to find out more about what we got up to in Harakeke in Term Three.

In Harakeke Hub our focus has been integrating reading and writing. Each week we have an overarching topic and within our small reading groups we explore this topic through stories, articles, videos and more! This approach to learning has given us the opportunity to go in depth with a topic and consolidate our learning.

The term started with an exploration of speeches and then we crafted and presented our own speeches about how we can be sustainable for the future. We are passionate about being kaitiaki and this showed through in our speeches. 

As we move into a new Inquiry module the topics we will look at through communication arts are: exploring how the world fits together (continents, countries and regions), how different parts of the world have connected (especially through trade) and how countries can be quite different depending on their geological features, climate and natural resources.

Here is the learning students have enjoyed - in their own words.

  • I liked learning about how to plan a trip. I like having to sort through lots of information to find the right answer. - Ryan
  • I liked reading. I enjoyed writing my character profile and writing my questions and answers about the earth a few million years ago and maps. - Jayden
  • I have enjoyed literacy and working on my answers to different questions. - Anandi
  • I like going to ASB because it’s good to have time for sports. - Lucas.
  • I like that the “can dos” in reading are fun and when I need help the teachers help me. - Aliya
  • I enjoyed the showcase. I made something called a zine which is a mini book made out of paper. - Henry
  • I like ASB and playing sports on a Tuesday. - Eliano
  • I like literacy because I liked making my character profile. I liked researching, writing and adding images. - Ire

Click here for photos from the term.