Lesley Murrihy — Jun 11, 2017

Amesbury School has put a safety plan in place following on from the "stranger alert" incident last week.

As you will be aware, last week a man drove around the carpark and stopped to take photos of students doing sports. Children quickly alerted the teacher and the man drove off. The police have been involved. However, the person has still not been identified.

As part of our safety plan, we have put the following in place:

*Contacted schools in the Northern Suburbs - to warn them about this and to see if any other schools have had anything similar happen. 

*Asked that all activities that are not closely supervised take place very close to the learning hubs and in sight of teachers. 

*Appointed a staff member for extra hours for the short-term, so that one person (Chris) can monitor the perimeter of the school during morning tea and lunchtime.

*Chris will also monitor the perimeter of the school during school time on Wednesdays when children are doing sport rotations outside.

*Lesley will meet with a security company to explore video surveillance.

* For students, we will deliver relevant aspects of the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme next term through Wednesday rotations. This will assist students to identify unsafe situations and develop strategies to keep themselves safe. It has been a while since we delivered this programme, so it is definitely timely.

We also have a couple of other things we will be talking with the police about and potential leads to follow.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Nga mihi nui
