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Amesbury School

by Eilis Cassidy

Swimming Lessons Term 2

Eilis Cassidy - April 23, 2023

This term the students across all hubs will take swimming lessons as part of the PE curriculum. Todd and his trusted team at EasySwim will deliver our swimming programme again this year.

A reminder that Koru will swim on Thursdays at Johnsonville School Pool beginning in Week 2 (4th May) for a total of 8 weeks.

Swimming lessons for our Harakeke & Pōhutukawa tamariki will take place on Mondays at the Keith Spry Pool, Johnsonville ​and the Rewa Rewa School Pool respectively. Lessons will run over 8 weeks beginning on 1st May (Week 2) and ending on Monday 26th of June (Week 10). There will be no lessons on 5th June as the school will be closed for the King’s birthday.

Students need to bring togs, a towel and a swim cap, all in a named swimming bag. Goggles are also very useful, but not compulsory.


Invoices for 2023 swimming lessons are now due for payment via Kindo.

The cost for the eight week course of lessons is $72 per child, which is slightly more than we had anticipated for this year. A number of factors have contributed to this increase;

  • The cost of bus transport has increased considerably this year.

  • Harakeke and Pōhutukawa students will swim for eight weeks, compared to only seven weeks in 2022.

  • School has capped the price of lessons for parents, which actually worked out to be more than the $72 we are charging - the Board of Trustees has agreed that school will absorb the additional cost.

This means the cost per week is $9, which provides ākonga (students) with small learning groups with specialist swimming teachers, and includes bus transport to and from the pool.