Science Roadshow here we come!
Urs Cunningham - July 24, 2016
The Science Roadshow, a nationally travelling show, is in Wellington. As part of our Term 3 inquiry Living Scientifically, Amesbury School will be heading along to take part in the show. We will visit the exhibition at Wellington Girls College in Thorndon.
The roadshow consists of over 60 hand-on exhibitions and 2 demonstrations; one demonstration is based around Mighty Materials — physical and chemical properties of substances such as metals and fabrics and how these are put to use in everyday applications. The other demonstration is based around Sounding Out Waves — the characteristics of sound such as pitch, volume, how fast it travels, what substances it travels through, how it travels and the many effects these have on things we can or cannot hear.
Students will take part in this trip in their three teams:
Harakeke Hub will visit on Tuesday 20th September (Week 9). They will leave school at 9am and return at approx 11:30am.
Te Rito Hub will visit on the same day - Tues 20th. They will leave school at 10am and return at approx 12:30pm.
Koru Hub will visit the roadshow on the following day, Wednesday 21st September. They will leave school at 12:40pm and will return at approx 3pm. Please note that if traffic is slow the bus may return a few minutes after 3pm on this day.
The cost for this trip, including the cost of buses, will be $14.50 per student. This cost will be added to student accounts after the trip.
As with all school trips, it is always good to have some additional whanau help with supervision. Each team will be looking for 3 or 4 whanau members to accompany the group to the roadshow. If you are able to come along and help with supervision, please email your child's whanau teacher.
Warm regards,
The Amesbury Team