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Amesbury School

by Eilis Cassidy

It's game on for our futsal superstars at Amesbury!

Eilis Cassidy - July 28, 2022

There was huge interest in this year's futsal tournament from our Amesbury ākonga (students) with over 60 sign ups.

A big thank you to our parents and caregivers who were quick off the mark to register. This is a very popular event with huge numbers participating across the Wellington region. With registrations now closed and the applications submitted, I am pleased to inform you that we have secured places for 8 mixed-gender futsal teams. Our gratitude to those volunteers who have also offered to help with the smooth running of this event.

Futsal Festival Dates:

Tuesday 13th September- 5 teams from Y1-2 and Y3-4.

Thursday 15th September- 3 teams from Y5-6.

The festival will start at 10am on each of the days and finish by 2:30pm. The school will arrange transport to and from the event with the cost being loaded on the student's Kindo account shortly beforehand.

Where possible, we ask our Y3-6 students to wear the black Amesbury sports top on the day. If you do not have one you may borrow from a friend or purchase new from the Kindo account. Y1-2 are fine to wear their normal school shirts as we will provide playing bibs for them.

A reminder and further details will be released closer to the time.

Ngā mihi,

Eilís Ní Chaiside (Sports Coordinator)