Community Consultation around our Partnering Document
Urs Cunningham - August 13, 2021
Here is the link to our Community Partnering Document. This policy outlines the responsibilities and expectations of school and home in how we can support our tamariki to thrive at school. The document also looks at the ways we can all ensure that we are working together positively and effectively to create the best outcomes for all of our tamariki.
On Tuesday 31st August we will be running a session from 6 - 7pm at school to review this partnering agreement. The session will be led by Urs Cunningham (Acting Principal) and John Bunting (Presiding Member of our Board of Trustees). We will look through the different aspects of partnering document and discuss and review what is included, and also look for anything that may be missing.
Please note that this session is focused on working together to review and strengthen our partnership document, rather than on specific incidents or current concerns. If you have a concern currently, this can be raised either with your child’s whānau teacher or hub leader, with Urs Cunningham, or with our BoT Presiding Member, John Bunting. The consultation session will be more about discussing the content of the document that lays out how our school and our families can best work in partnership together to achieve the best outcomes for ngā ākonga (our students).
We look forward to seeing many of you at the consultation session.
Ngā mihi,
Urs Cunningham