Hero photograph
Photo by John Murrihy

Mihi Whakatau

John Murrihy —

As always our mihi whakatau is a very special time for all of our new students and teachers.

Since our last mihi whakatau early last term we have had a total of 20 new ākonga and 4 kaiako join Amesbury School, so it was with great excitement that they were all formally welcomed into the Amesbury whānau. This was tempered slightly as we were unable to have their families join us.

Mihimihi were given by a student from each Hub - Ethan, Tiffany & Alana - who each did a wonderful job. This was followed by a whaikorero from Urs.

The new students and teachers were then individually presented and took their place amongst the rest of the school as tangata whenua. 

As usual, we then ended the mihi whakatau with kai.

We have some photos below and a larger range here.