Hero photograph
Photo by Urs Cunningham

Year 3 and 4 Camp Term 4

Urs Cunningham —

As we rush through the year, we are sending out the information for our Year 3 and 4 end of year camp. 

Towards the end of Term 4 we will be transitioning our Year 3 students across from Koru Hub to Harakeke Hub, where they will be based next year. Rather than having students start in Harakeke Hub at the beginning of next year, we will be moving them across in Week 9 of Term 4 so that they can be settled into the hub in the last two weeks of term. This will hopefully eliminate any anxiety over the summer break about moving across to Harakeke Hub. 

In Week 9 (5th-9th Dec) the Year 5 and 6 students will be away for the week on their North Island camp. This is a great time for the Year 3 students to move across to Harakeke Hub and settle in with the Year 4s. They will spend three days on a transition programme, getting used to each other and the new hub. Urs will move across from Koru Hub with the Year 3 students and Marianne and Urs will lead this transition programme and the camp. On Thursday and Friday of Week 9 (8th/9th Dec) we will hold our Year 3 and 4 camp, as the culmination of their transition week. 

The Year 5  students will be back in the hub for the last three days of term, in Week 10, and they will then have the chance to work with the Year 3 students and get to know them more. The Year 6 students will remain out of the hub on their transition programme to Intermediate School. 

The Year 3 and 4 camp

The camp will consist of two really fun days out and about around Wellington. We will camp overnight at school, pitching tents in the school grounds and cooking our own dinner. Here is the overview of the two days:

Thursday: Morning = hub games and local tramp (walk). Afternoon = 2 hour session at the new trampoline park (Dialled In) in Ngaurunga. Evening = pitch tents, cook our own dinner on mini barbecues, hub games. 

Friday: Pack up tents. Morning = 2 hour session at the ASB Sports Centre (playing ultimate frisbee, futsal and using the inflatables). Afternoon = lunch at Kilbirnie Park, swim and play in Spray pool at the Aquatic Centre (Kilbirnie). Bus back to school by 2:45pm.

It promises to be lots of fun and hopefully everyone will sleep REALLY well on Friday night after all of that!

The cost of the camp will be $45 per student. This includes afternoon tea, dinner and supper on Thursday, and breakfast, morning tea and lunch on Friday. We will be asking students to bring their own morning tea and lunch on Thursday. Part of our transition programme earlier in the week will include baking snacks and treats for our morning and afternoon teas on camp. 

If you do not want your child to take part in the overnight stay, your child can still take part in the daytime activities over the two days. The cost for this will be $35, as dinner and supper on Thursday and breakfast on Friday will not be included.

Here is the link to our camp consent form. Please complete this form for your child/ren by Friday 9th September. We would love parents and caregivers to come and join us for any part of this camp. We will be looking for some additional with supervision help on the day trips, and we will also be grateful for additional help on our overnight stay at school - it will be lots of fun! There is a section on the consent form to fill in if you are able to help with any part of the camp - you do not need to help  for the whole time. 

Please don't hesitate to contact Urs with any questions about the camp: urs@amesbury.school.nz

Warm regards, 

The Amesbury Team