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Amesbury School

School logo by Urs Cunningham

Term 3 School Trip - Te Rito/Karaka

Gemma Williamson - August 7, 2019

As part of our Term 3 science inquiry ‘Living for a Protected New Zealand’ around our native flora and fauna, all students will be going on a trip. Karaka and Te Rito will be visiting Island Bay Marine Education Centre and Te Papa to see the new Te Taiao exhibition. The trip will be in Week 5 on Tuesday 20th August.

We will leave school on buses at 9:30am and we will return to school by 3pm. We will be in two groups. One group will visit Te Papa in the morning, followed by the Island Bay Marine Education centre in the afternoon. The other group will go to Island Bay Marine Education centre first, followed by Te Papa. On the trip, students will be in mixed groups with Year 0, 1 and 2 students.

The cost for the trip will be $16.50 per child. Invoices have now been added to student accounts in the online shop. We ask that this trip invoice is paid prior to the trip. All students will need to wear school uniform for the trip and we strongly recommend that they have a named drink bottle in their bag. Students will need a well-stocked lunch box, as trip days tend to make children very hungry. Please do not order a lunch order for your child as we will not be at school at lunchtime.

We do require whānau support for this trip to go ahead, so please let us know if you can be a parent help on the day. Our aim is for adults to be with small groups of students to allow some choice when they are exploring Te Papa, as well as exploring the Island Bay Marine Reserve and Education Centre. If you are able to help out on this day, please contact Gemma (, as a Te Rito parent, or Amaria( as a Karaka (Koru) parent.

If you have any questions about the trip, please contact Gemma or Amaria. We are looking forward to a fun trip.