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Amesbury School

Events in the last week of Term 4

Urs Cunningham - December 5, 2024

As we head into the final week of term, there are events happening on most days. Read on to find out the details.

Monday 9th - Wed 11th December Transition days

  • Transition days for all ākonga. We will start on Monday in our usual hubs and learning spaces, and groups will then move to base in their learning spaces for 2025. Students will stay in their new whānau groups until the end of Wednesday. Year 6s will base together in Kikorangi for their transition programme, preparing for their move to intermediate school.

  • On Thursday and Friday, ākonga will move back to their 2024 groups, to end the year with their current teachers.

Monday 9th December

  • Year 6 graduation dinner in Amesbury Hall from 5:30-8pm. Whānau have had separate invitations for this. See you there!

Tuesday 10th December

Thursday 12th December

  • Non uniform day for all ākonga - wear your own clothes

  • Water play fun in block 2 (11:30am-12:50pm). Students can choose from a variety of water-based activities, including an optional water fight on the netball courts (students can bring a water gun for this). If students want to participate in the water play, they need to bring togs and a towel. Have some dry items in their bag, just in case! ALL ākonga must have a sunhat. There will also be non-water based activities for those who wish to stay dry. We will have a bouncy castle at school during this time, because we could have not have one at school for the cultural celebration due to poor weather.

Friday 13th December

  • Final day of school for the year. All ākonga to wear school uniform, please

  • Farewell celebration 9:30-10am in the hall - farewelling staff and ākonga who are leaving

  • 11:30am-1pm School sausage sizzle picnic in whānau groups on the school field (weather permitting). Sausages and ice blocks provided by the school (no money required). Vegetarian and gluten free options will be available. Please still send some snacks with your children, to complement the kai provided by the school. 

  • School closes for the year at 1pm. Ākonga can be picked up from the school field at 1pm. Kelly Club will begin at 1pm for those children heading to After School Care.

Phew, a busy week!