School events Term 4 2022
Urs Cunningham - October 13, 2022
As we go through the term, other activities and events may well be added to the school calendar, and we will let you know about them. This article lets you know what is planned at this point - it is a busy term ahead!
Mihi Whakatau and new families information session: Week 1 Monday Oct 17th. Mihi whakatau is at 2:30pm in the hall, all parents welcome. The new families information session is an introduction to our school to how the different hubs work. This session will run at 4:30pm in Kōwhai (yellow carpet in Koru Hub) for Koru Hub, and in māwhero (pink carpet in Harakeke Hub) for Harakeke & Pōhutukawa.
Chinese whānau hui: Week 1 Thursday Oct 20th 5:30pm in the school library. Through the next couple of terms I will be meeting with different groups of families to chat through aspects around health and wellbeing of our ākonga, and also any other things that may be on your mind regarding school. An invitation has gone out to families involved in this session; please let Urs know if you are planning to attend. Other sessions will be held for other families later in the term and early next year.
Sonali student conferences (online): Week 1 Wed 19th and Thurs 20th October. If you haven't yet booked a conference, don't forget to do so! See the Hero post for the details of how to book.
Cultural Showcase: Week 2 Tues 25th and Thurs 27th Oct. This is our learning celebration for our third inquiry this term, based around 'Living in a Global World'. The showcase involves all ākonga across the school, and will take parents and whānau around all learning spaces presenting learning about different regions around the world. For more information, and to book spaces for the showcase, follow this link.
Year 0 - 2 Athletics Carnival: Week 3 Tues 1st November, 9:30 - 12:30pm. Held at Amesbury School.
Scholastic Book Fair: Week 4 Friday 11th Nov 3:30 - 6pm in the school library. There is a book character dress up day on the same day at school to celebrate the book fair - all tamariki are invited to dress up as their favourite book character, with a parade on the courts at lunch time.
Churton Park Poetry Competition Celebration: Week 4 Friday 11th Nov 5:45 - 6:45pm at Kea Hall in Churton Park Community Centre. Competition is open to all students at Amesbury School and Churton Park School. Please note that entries for the competition close on 26th October. Follow this link for more information.
Amesbury community gathering: Week 6 Friday 25th November 5pm - 7pm. Come and hang out with the school community. Families can bring a shared picnic / Friday take away. We will have an ice cream van onsite and School will provide an ice cream cone for everyone. There will be a bouncy castle and our giant games will be out (chess, Connect 4, dominoes). Bring your scooters / bikes, have a play, start a game of rugby, basketball, cricket or netball - we will have equipment available for people to use. Enjoy the chance to finally gather together and connect again. *Note: this is an outdoors event, so it may need to be rescheduled if the weather does not play ball.
Northern Wellington Citizenship Award ceremony: Week 6 Friday 25th November 6 - 7pm. One year 6 student from each local primary school, and a year 8 student from the intermediate school, are selected each year.
Pack the Bus donation pick up: Week 7 Monday 28th November at 10:45am. The Pack the Bus vehicle will pick up all donations from school.
Activities week: Week 8 Mon 5th - Fri 9th Dec. Different hub trips and activities happening throughout this week. Optional camp for year 5-6 ākonga at El Rancho from Mon - Fri. Optional overnight school sleepover on Thurs 8th Dec for Koru and Harakeke ākonga.
Year 6 graduation trip: Week 9 Mon 12th Dec all day. Trip into Wellington City (more details to follow - planned with student input).
Year 6 graduation dinner: Week 9 Mon 12th Dec 5:30 - 8:30pm at school. More details and invitations will be sent out a little closer to the time.
Whole school water play fun: Week 9 Tues 13th Dec during day at school.
School farewell assembly: Week 9 Wed 14th Dec 9:15 - 10am in school hall
School sausage sizzle finale: Week 9 Wed 14th 11:30 - 1pm at school. No money is needed for the sausages (including vegetarian and gluten free) and ice blocks - school will provide these for all tamariki. School finishes for the year 1pm.