Beckie Duffy — Jun 29, 2017

The Amesbury School Board of Trustees met on Wednesday. Here is a brief overview of what was discussed.

Security Camera expenditure was approved. Work will occur in  the July School holidays. Cameras will be focused on the entrances and car park and be movement  activated. The data will be stored securely for a limited period before being over-ridden. 

Pump Track development is earmarked for October holidays. The bike track itself is going very well. Staff are reinforcing correct helmet fitting. Student monitors are showing good leadership.

Ski Camp Health and safety documentation for the trip was approved. 

Accident & Incident Register was reviewed to check that  there is nothing in our responses that could be done differently.

NZSTA Conference David Waters will be attending the New Zealand School Trustees Association Conference on behalf of the Board.

International Students There will be three international students attending Amesbury in Term 3.

Amesbury App There are 165 users on the school app. Parental feedback is that they are keen for more alerts via the app.

Student Achievement A general report on Focus Students was presented to give the Board an idea of of the specific needs of students at Amesbury School and the actions being taken to meet those needs.

Finances The Financial reports showed the school finances for 2017 largely on track with a slight concern that income may not be as high as budgeted by year's end. 

Policies The following policies were presented for review: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Religious Education, Complaints, Community Partnership

Find out more about our individual Board Members here. You can contact the Board directly on