Amesbury School — Dec 13, 2016

An evening of celebration, dinner and speeches for our Year 6 students... 

There was a buzz of nervous excitement amongst the students throughout the day as they put the finishing touches on their speeches - and then did themselves proud when they shared them with family and teachers at the Leavers Dinner last night.

This morning they headed off to Te Papa as part of the Year 6 transition programme, and not that we needed any confirmation, but we had a phone call from a member of public saying what a lovely bunch of kids they are!

She said that they looked smart and were noticeable in their school uniform and she was impressed that they gave up their seats for her and her husband, and they enjoyed having a good chat with them.

We're proud to have you guys as Amesbury whānau!  Enjoy your new adventures next year, and we look forward to seeing you again when you visit.