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Amesbury School

by Kirat Singh

Amesbury Notices - 27 February 2023

John Murrihy - February 26, 2023

Movin' March starts this week. Walk 'n' wheel for yourself and our environment ....

What's on this week?

  • No 4-year-old Programme this week
  • Paid Union Meetings for Teachers - Monday 27 & Tuesday 28 February
  • Co-curricular Lessons - Wednesday 1 & Friday 3 March
  • Board of Trustees Meeting - 5.30-7.30pm Wednesday 1 March 
  • Northern Zone Cricket - Thursday 2 March @ Alex Moore Park
  • Kiwi Hoops (Harakeke & Pōhutukawa) - Thursday 2 March

Paid Union Meetings for Teachers in Term 1 2023

With teachers and principals renegotiating their Collective Agreements, there will be paid union meetings in Term 1 within school time on 27 & 28 February.

Learning will continue as usual during these times, albeit with leaders joining the Hubs for the learning programmes.

For further details please refer to this article.

Let’s Get Movin’ in March!

It's almost March and that means it's time to get organised for Movin' March.

If you aren't already doing so get walkin' 'n' wheelin' to and from school, get your passports stamped, get active and help out the environment all in one go.

This year, all tamariki will also be given a passport to take home as a reminder, with the added advantage of being able to fill it in with activities over the weekend.

For all the details please read Kirat's Movin' March article.

The Big Bike Film Night – Wellington

If you are interested in biking films, here's your golden opportunity to see a wide range of short films.

For detailed information on film content and Wellington dates, have a look through this article.

Out of School Celebrations

Once again we are wanting to hear from you around your tamariki's achievements outside of school so that we can share them with the wider Amesbury whānau. For more info please read this item.

If you have something that you are proud to share please forward the details and photos to Kirat

Miniball Registration - for Terms 2 & 3

If you are Year 3 or above and are interested in playing miniball in Terms 2 & 3. This follows on nicely from our Kiwi Hoops programme which is being run this term for all of our Harakeke and Pōhutukawa ākonga.

Click here to complete the registration form. Registration will close on Monday 6th March at 4:00pm.

As always, we are looking for a coach/manager for each team. Please consider helping out by putting your name forward.

 Eilís has all the details here, including the all important when.

Swimming - Term 2

Swimming will be happening across the whole school in Term 2. As it is part of the school curriculum it is expected that all tamariki will take part. 

In order to gather accurate information on your child's swimming ability to date, a form will be sent out via whānau teachers in the coming weeks. 

The Amesbury swimming programme will be delivered by EasySwim as before.

Community Notices

Children's Asthma Study (CARE) recruitment

Image by: John Murrihy

Johnsonville Rotary Children's Day

Image by: John Murrihy