Urs Cunningham — Jul 19, 2024

Share your favourite family snack, food idea or meal recipe to add to our school compendium of kai (food) ideas. This will be sent out in digital form to all families at the end of this term.

This term in inquiry we are exploring heating, cooling and mixing materials, with a particular focus on heating and cooling technologies around storing, preparing and cooking kai (food). As part of this learning, ākonga (students) will also be exploring how kai fuels our bodies, what kinds of food makes the best fuel for different situations. Our learning celebration will be a shared Buddy Breakfast with our buddy whānau groups. Each whānau group in our two hubs will create and prepare some delicious breakfast kai earlier in the week, and then meet up and share their kai with their buddy whānau group in the other hub.

We would like to invite whānau to be part of this sharing by contributing to our Whānau Kai compendium - a shared digital magazine of different recipes that our ākonga (students) like to make with their whānau. These recipes or can be a range of things:

Throughout the term we will collect your recipes and gather them together in a digital magazine, and at the end of the term, when your whānau groups have their shared Buddy Breakfast, we will send out the digital link to share our favourite kai ideas. You can talk with your tamariki and see what they would like to share. Try out some recipes together, get creative in the kitchen, think about snacks or meals that are valued by your whānau. Please don't worry if the snack or kai your family likes is very simple or more of an idea than a recipe. We would like to share all of our whānau kai ideas, both simple and more elaborate, with the community.

To include your kai (food) in our compendium, please send the recipe to Brooke (brooke@amesbury.school.nz) by Friday 20th September (end of the penultimate week of term). Each recipe or kai idea will form a separate 'article' in our compendium, so along with your kai idea you can also choose to add a short explanation of what the kai is and why your whānau like it, and a photo (of the kai, or of your family or tamariki making or enjoying your kai). However, this is not compulsory - we will add a picture to your kai information if we don't have one from you.

We are really looking forward to sharing and enjoying a wide range of community kai ideas and recipes.

Ngā mihi,

the Amesbury team