Miniball - REGISTER NOW - Starts end of July
Rupert Webb - June 13, 2024
If your child did not play in Term 2 - sign up below for the Term 3 Miniball competition.
If your child did play in Term 2 - please see Rupert's email (12/06) for a separate registration link.
Each team will need a parent to coach them. Please indicate on the form if you are willing to be the coach.
Registrations close at 4pm on Monday 24th June. Unfortunately, we cannot accept late registrations.
Grades and dates
Year 3/4 League
Dates: Monday 29th July – Monday 23rd September (9 weeks)
Time: 3.20 – 6.50pm
Year 5/6 League
Dates: Tuesday 30th July – Tuesday 24th September (9 weeks)
Time: 3.20 – 6.50pm
We encourage girls and boys to play. This league is a social league and is a fun way for your child to get involved in team sports. The games will be held at Nairnville Rec Centre in Khandallah.
We will do our best to accommodate requests regarding team places. It is not always possible. Decisions are made based on player numbers in each year group grade.
We need a coach/manager per team
Each team will need to have a coach/manager to successfully register. If you are interested in volunteering for one of these positions please indicate this on the response form. We welcome new faces to get involved. You do not need to be an expert on basketball. Some teams may choose to have a practice session once a week but this is up to the coach’s discretion.
Rules and fair play
Please see the attached Miniball rules and the fair play code for players, coaches and parents.
Getting to and from the game
Parents or caregivers are responsible for getting their child to and from the games in Khandallah.
The fee for Term 3, 2024 will be confirmed as soon as teams are finalised. The invoice for fees will be added to your child’s account in the school shop, and will need to be paid prior to the first game.
Uniforms for all teams
All students will need to have an Amesbury school sports top, and wear appropriate (non-marking) sport shoes.
NOTE: These tops are a smaller 'sports fit' than the uniform polo tops (approx. one to half a size smaller). If your child does not have a sports top, it can be ordered via the school shop. You are more than welcome to come in and have your child try one on if you are unsure of sizing.
Click here to complete the registration form. Registration will close on Monday 24th June at 4:00pm.
If you have any further questions you can email me on
Ngā mihi
Sports Coordinator