Term Two in Harakeke Hub!
Natalie Douglas - June 15, 2023
This term, our focus in maths has been statistical investigations and fractions.
For our statistical investigation aspect we began the term by looking at data and how to interpret it and then in turn make statements about it. We then introduced weather recording to the ākonga. This linked in well to our inquiry topic this term. The ākonga were able to opt into three different activities. These were making an anemometer, a wind vane or using a thermometer. Each group has used their form of weather reading to collect data each week and will finish at the end of the term with students making statements about their data.
For fractions, ākonga have been looking at a variety of different ways that fractions are part of our world. We have used multiple different approaches in teaching fractions this term and ensuring that it always relates back to ākonga and their immediate surroundings.
Throughout mathematics, students have been developing the skills of collaboration and explaining our thinking to others too.
We have all thoroughly enjoyed learning about statistics and fractions in interesting and different ways.
We are looking forward to sharing our learning during the Learning Celebration.