Derek Champion — Sep 4, 2019

This is the initial information for the two day/overnight stay at Palm Grove camp AND Nga Manu Nature Reserve in Waikanae.



The Year 3 and 4 camp will take place between Thursday 5 - Friday 6 December 2019 (Week 8 of Term 4).


We will travel to and from Waikanae by bus. We will confirm the exact timings closer to the time.

Camp Cost:

At this stage, we are still confirming costs but we will let you know by the end of this term.

Camp Programme

We are currently planning the exact programme with the team at Palm Grove and Nga Manu Nature Reserve in Waikanae. Here is an outline of what we plan to do. We will send our final timetable in our next communication.


Travel to Palm Grove by bus. We will stay on campus for the day and participate in a number of camp activities.


Pack up and travel to Nga Manu Nature Reserve. We will explore the unique ecosystems within this area of coastal lowland swamp forest.

Parent Help:

As always parent help is needed and greatly appreciated for camp to go ahead. In previous years there has been a big response to assisting with camp. While we would love to include everyone, costs and space prevent us from doing so - we have a maximum number of additional parents we are able to take on camp with us. There is a section on the consent form regarding parental help on camp. If you are interested in attending camp please indicate this on the form. After the form completion deadline (Friday 20th September 2019), we will notify all parents who have expressed an interest in attending the camp to let you know of our final decision. This will most likely happen by the end of this term. All parents attending school camps are required to undergo NZ Police Vetting. We will contact those parents who are selected to attend to obtain their consent to carry out the vetting process.

Permission Form

Please click on the link to fill in the camp permission form by Friday 20th September 2019.

Permission Form

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Georgia ( for Koru or Kristen ( for Harakeke.

Warm regards,

The Koru & Harakeke Team