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Photo by admin Amesbury School

Chinese Delegation visits Amesbury

Beckie Duffy —

A senior delegation of officials from the Chinese Ministry of Education were impressed with Amesbury School when they visited us last week. 

The group visited on Thursday, keen to see the New Zealand education system in action and have the opportunity to ask questions about schooling in New Zealand.

While many of our students were out on their EOTC activities, our Te Rito children provided a waiata in welcome, and Hannah, Max, Rosie and Evie recited mihi in both Mandarin and Te Reo. 

At the end, we exchanged gifts. Amesbury presented a glass koru as a token to remember us by. The Chinese delegation presented Lesley with a magnificent charcoal carving of Confucius, the first teacher. It is now sitting proudly on our reception counter, so check it out when you next pass by.