Head along to our Amesbury School Olympics learning celebration!
Urs Cunningham - June 23, 2016
Our School Olympics will be run on Wednesday 6th July (final week of Term 3) from 9:30 am until 1pm. We appreciate that many people may not be able to stay for the whole event, so below is a schedule of events so that you can select when to head along.
Across the school we have been learning about Living Fairly through the context of the Olympics. For the past two weeks students have been working in the afternoons in mixed groups, with students from all year levels in each group. Each group has formed its own country and has been working on tasks such as creating their own flag, national anthem, chant, set of values, national event and national emblem. It has been wonderful to see students working so well together, with older students supporting younger ones and showing fabulous leadership. Teachers are so impressed with the teamwork and friendship they are seeing across the school.
Our Olympics will consist of the 8 national events that countries have created. These events are very varied, with a mix of sporting, creative and problem solving events, ranging from timed obstacle courses to 'Don't spill your milk!" It promises to be an exciting and enjoyable range of activities. The 9th final event will be our closing ceremony, which will also be created by one of our nine countries.
Countries will be awarded points based on the three Olympic values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship. Students have been learning about these values through the term.
You are all most welcome to come along and join in the fun, cheer loudly and watch the wonderful ways our students have been working together, supporting each other and demonstrating team spirit and mana.
Our opening ceremony will being at 9:30am, giving each country a little time to prepare and don their national items. You are all most welcome to stay once you have dropped your children off at school and mingle in the hall. Through the event there will be snacks and drinks available for purchase, with all proceeds going to our bike track fund. Bring along your small change!
Schedule of events:
9:30 - 10 am - Opening ceremony in the hall. Introduction of countries. Presentation of Amesbury Awesomeness awards for Term 3 and announcement of winners for the school cookbook competition.
10 am - 10:30 am Events 1 and 2 (being held at the same time)
10:30 am - 11 am Morning tea
11 am - 11:30 am Events 3 and 4 (being held at the same time)
11:30 am - 12pm Events 5 and 6 (being held at the same time)
12 pm - 12:30 pm Events 7 and 8 (being held at the same time)
12:30 pmClosing ceremony
12:50 pm - Lunch
We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions about this event, please don't hesitate to email Urs or your child's whanau teacher.
Warm regards,
The Amesbury Team