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Amesbury School

by Emma Murdoch

Pōhutukawa in Term 1

Emma Murdoch - April 4, 2024

2024 has got off to a great start in Pōhutukawa.

Kia ora e te whānau,

Term 1 is always about building and developing whakawhanaungatanga (positive relationships). Kaiako (teachers) have enjoyed getting to know ākonga (students) and building relationships within whānau groups and across the hub. We have also been focusing on establishing routines and structures in the hub. Ākonga have been settling into these, creating a positive learning environment where there have been many exciting learning opportunities for them.

Image by: Emma Murdoch

Each Monday we have been running rotations where ākonga have enjoyed Fei coming in and teaching Mandarin Chinese lessons, Connor from Kelly Sports running Kī-o-Rahi sessions as well a range of other lessons with Pōhutukawa kaiako from across the curriculum including, Te Ao Māori, Te Reo Māori, health, science, social science and maths.

We were very fortunate to see the Dinosaurs of Patagonia exhibition at Te Papa in Week 4. Ākonga (& kaiako) enjoyed learning about the dinosaurs of Patagonia in South America and exploring other exhibits around the museum. Bush City was also a big hit. Thank you to all the parent helpers who supported us and made this memorable trip possible.

Image by: Emma Murdoch

Our topic this term has integrated all areas of the curriculum. The unit started off with ākonga exploring elements of the living world including learning about the difference between living and nonliving things. Next they began researching different animals, the aspects of them that make them unique and help them survive in their natural habitats. This led into ākonga focusing on one particular animal for which they created an information report. The excitement in the hub then really ramped up when ākonga saw the habitats they had designed come off the page. Some ākonga made 3D models of their habitats, others made lift-the-flap displays, while still others made seasonal triarama’s and some made theirs on Minecraft. It was wonderful to see the thought and detail that went into their designs and final creations. Ākonga then spent time investigating human and natural external forces that impact the natural environment before thinking about ways that they and all of us can be kaitiaki (guardians) and advocate for our incredible natural environment. If they haven’t already, be sure to ask your child to share their inquiry slides in Google Classroom with you and ask them to share what they learned at each step along the way.

Image by: Emma Murdoch
Image by: Emma Murdoch

In mathematics, whilst the main focus for the term was to consolidate and expand number knowledge, we also explored the concepts of position and orientation along with statistical skills linked with our inquiry topic. 

Image by: Emma Murdoch
Image by: Emma Murdoch

The Summer term, allowed Year 5 & 6 ākonga the opportunity to participate in the Pedal Ready programme where they learned cycling skills from experienced trainers. This is something current Year 4 ākonga can look forward to doing next year. All ākonga also participated in an eight session module of Kī-o-Rahi with our Kelly Sports coach, Connor. Year 4 ākonga learned the skills and movements needed to build up to the full game of Kī-o-Rahi, and Year 5 and 6 ākonga all learned the full game. It was lots of fun, and a number of students opted into the Kī-o-Rahi festival, playing against other schools in our zone a couple of weeks ago.

Our focus is to provide a safe and engaging learning environment that fosters academic growth, character development, and personal well-being for all ākonga. We are committed to working closely with you to support your child's educational journey and ensure their success. We highly value open communication and collaboration between whānau, ākonga, and kaiako. We encourage you to stay engaged in your child's education by regularly checking our school communication platforms and maintaining open lines of communication with your child's kaiako. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your child’s learning. Remember that your child’s kaiako is always your first point of contact.

We are looking forward to seeing ākonga back rested and ready for the wonderful learning experiences we have planned for Term 2.

Nāku noa,

Rupert, Sarah, Rachel, Lisa, Jemima, Brydon, Charlotte, Gar Kee & Emma