Lesley Murrihy — Nov 26, 2015

Due to current roll growth and expected roll growth, we have had to make changes to the way our school is organised. Te Rito will be a new "hub" within the Koru Hub building. Read on to find out more about this. 

Based on roll predictions, our school is like to be nearly full by the end of next year. As a result, we now need to use the suite at the end of Koru as a more generalised teaching and learning space. In Harakeke we will have the year 4 - 6 students. Harakeke will start with close to 90 students (just a little off its capacity. Koru Hub will begin with 70 year 2 - 3 students and will use the two back suites of the Koru block - Kakariki (green carpet) and Karaka (orange). We have created a new hub or team which we are calling Te Rito and this will be housed in Kowhai - the front suite of the Koru block. This will begin with 32 New Entrant students and will operate more as a nurture group - helping children to have a great start at school. As students reach appropriate levels of capability, they will move through from Te Rito to Koru (in the two back suites). 

The name Te Rito is appropriate because the "rito" is the new shoot at the centre of a Harakeke. It represents the idea of new growth or the beginning of growth. 

As the current year 2 students will not be moving over to Harakeke this year, we are not carrying out the two week transition programme we had planned. Instead the year 2 - 3 students who will be in Koru (the back 2 suites) will have a two day transition programme with their new teachers. As we are still confirming the appointments for next year and the placement of current teachers within the school, we will let you know which teachers will be where shortly. We do know for sure that the teachers in Te Rito will be Amaria, Angela and Gemma (a new teacher).

I know the change in names will initially cause some confusion, but no doubt we will quickly make the necessary adjustments to our thinking.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if this is not clear.