Accessing the fabulous resources in the Wellington Library network
Urs Cunningham - March 17, 2020
There is an extensive range of online and offline reading material for children in the Wellington library system.
Now is a great time to check if your child is a member of the library. If they do not have their own library card yet, here is a link to let you know how they can join. Here is the link to the form to fill out for a child’s library card.
Once your child has a library card, they have access to a huge range of books, magazines and DVDs. There is also a fabulous online library, with a large number of e-books and audiobooks. ‘Overdrive for Kids’ is an app for accessing e-books and audiobooks online. It is free, and easy to use. Click here to see what can be accessed. Click here for help downloading the Overdrive app on your device.
Next term all teams will be swimming, either at Keith Spry Pool or Johnsonville School Pool. We are hoping to connect these sessions with some time in the fabulous new Waitohi Library. If your child has their own library card and account, this could be used during these visits.
If you have any questions about getting a library or using any of the library services, please feel free to pop in and talk with Regina, our library-based teacher.
Warm regards,
The Amesbury Team