Meet 'n' Greet Term 1 2024
Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome back to the new school year for our returning ākonga and whānau, and a warm welcome to our new students and whānau who will be joining our community this year. We have a meet and greet event in the first week of school when parents and whānau can come and connect with each other, meet our kaiako (teachers) and find out more about how the hubs will be running this year.
Our meet and greet event is a great opportunity to come and say hello to the kaiako in your child's team, be introduced to new kaiako joining our school, and find out more about how the hubs will operate this year.
Here are the key details for the event:
- It will be held on Friday 2nd February from 4:30 - 6pm at school.
- Both hubs will have a scheduled presentation slot for 30 mins. They will introduce themselves and the different roles within their team, and talk about the practical details of how the hub will operate on a day to day basis, including any key things you may need to know for the coming year.
- Both presentations will be held in the school hall, with plenty of space to spread out.
- Tamariki are very welcome to come along and play outside while the presentations are happening. School leaders and other teachers not in presentations will be out in the school grounds supervising tamariki.
- There will be pizza and a sausage sizzle provided by school, because everyone will be hungry after a big week back at school!
- After each presentation kaiako will move outside (to let the next hub presentation begin) and will be around for parents and whānau to come and introduce themselves or catch up and say hello.
- The presentation slide deck will be made available afterwards. It will not be a recording of the presentation, but the slides will show the key information being shared.
The order of presentations will be:
* 4:40 - 5:10pm = Koru Hub (years 1-3)
* 5:15 - 5:45pm = Pōhutukawa Hub (years 4-6)
It is a great opportunity to connect with teachers and other parents, and have a slice of pizza and a chat. We look forward to seeing you there.
Ngā mihi,
The Amesbury Team