Hero photograph
Photo by Urs Cunningham

Year 6 Citizenship Award 2023

Urs Cunningham —

Huge congratulations to Seruwaia for being Amesbury School's 2023 North Wellington Primary Citizenship Award recipient.

Since its inception in 2015, the Wellington North Primary Schools' Citizenship Award has been an annual highlight for ākonga and their whānau. The award is given to one student from each local school for their contributions throughout the year to their school community. 

We are extremely proud of Seruwaia, who is the recipient of this award at Amesbury School for this year. Seruwaia attended the award ceremony with her parents, Luisa and Uraia, and Onaitta and I were delighted to share the occasion with them. As Onaitta explained as the award was presented, Seruwaia is more than just a dedicated and hard working student. She is a collaborative and caring friend, a loving sister, and an advocate for any student who needs help or support in any way. She continually puts others before herself, and is a quiet and respectful leader in so many ways. 

Please click here to see the full speech Onaitta gave about Seruwaia during the ceremony. 

It was a delight to share this wonderful occasion with Seruwaia and her parents, and we hope she is extremely proud of her quiet leadership and kind and caring friendship. Seruwaia's name has now been added to the previous eight names on the citizenship shield that sits proudly in the cabinet in our reception area.

Tino kino te pai, Seruwaia, well done!