admin Amesbury School — Nov 26, 2015

It was a blaze of colour and activity - thanks to everyone that came along and participated to make it such a successful and fun event!

Things were all go last Friday with the last minute move indoors, and as the food stalls were setting up in the hall, the walk-through expos began with art adorned hubs and students doing rotations of short presentations and performances relating to a creation story or myths and legends from around the world.  Then there was a browse around the library/office area to find the book fair, saree demos, CP Community Centre info and SandArt activity.  

Throughout the evening Clifford the Big Red Dog was working the crowd, the foods stalls were all go and Indian dance performances by Arushi and Lopa opened the cultural dress parade. 

Thank you to the student's parents, staff and their families that contributed to and helped with food stalls, hot drinks & bring a plate table, activities and the book fair, and to Clare who did a great job coordinating the popular cultural dress parade, assisted by Phoebe the MC.

We also enjoyed and appreciated the following people who aren't part of our immediate school community who were keen to be involved in our cultural community celebration;

Unfortunately we didn't get photos of absolutely everything but here are a fair few to enjoy...