Hero photograph
Photo by admin Amesbury School

Issue 7 of Scholastic's Book Club is now available for online ordering.

Regina Singh —

Closing date is Friday the 6th of November 2020.

You can now download the Scholastic "LOOP" app so you can order and pay for books online.

How to login: How to log in LOOP

About Scholastic Book Club:

  • 20% of sales go towards school library books and/or resources

  • is an NZ publishing company

  • draws on over 50 publishers world wide as well as providing quality NZ Children’s books

  • offers all the hottest new books, and at great prices

  • discounted books start at $2

Link to: Issue 7

If parents miss the order close date (Friday 6 November), then you have the option to still order online for a few more weeks, but the order will incur a freight charge and be sent direct to your home address.

If you have any queries, please contact Regina: regina@amesbury.school.nz