Angela Johnston — Sep 2, 2015

Snowmen, snow fights, igloos and games master challenges.  Wind, wind and more wind!

We had a very respectable 7am start to the day.  The howling of the wind through the night strongly suggested that the ski field would be closed, and unfortunately our predictions were proved correct.

The aroma of bacon and eggs greeted us first thing before washing up, cleaning up and tidying up our bodies, benches and beds. Now we were ready for the day.

Let the games begin!  Who will be the games master?  Challenges ranging from Last Card, Snakes and Ladders to some competitive hands of Uno unfolded throughout the morning.   Points scored for places and bonus points available for reading by the fireside. Cruz and Harry were showing an early lead.

Small groups headed downstairs for their boot fittings, ski collection and gear gathering.  It was time for the first ski lesson - albeit inside.  How to walk uphill, how to ski downhill and most importantly, how to stop were the order of the day. 

A small window of opportunity allowed us to finally get outside to stretch our legs and expel some energy.  Our ski clothes finally got their maiden voyage. Sue and Mikey, our ski patrollers, led us around the lodge to a somewhat secluded spot, slightly less windy than everywhere else.  The soft snow had us sinking up to our knees.  A mighty snowman adorns the mountainside and a majestic snow igloo graces the slope. There is no risk that they will melt away overnight. Hopefully the snowman's carrot nose won't get blown away, or even worse his head!

Round two of the games master challenge recommenced.  How many items in different categories can you name?  Elimination rounds - the longer you stay in the more points you get.  Cruz retained his leading title, coming out on top as the games master for 2015.  Mischa and Arnah overtook Harry being awarded a well earnt second equal.  Harry was rewarded a respectable third place. 

Hearty deviled sausages for dinner with the very popular peaches, pineapple and custard to finish it off.  A winter movie wound down the evening.  We certainly have many campers here tonight dreaming of good weather tomorrow as they head off to sleep. 

The lodge has certainly provided positive opportunities for camaraderie and a front seat window to the diverse elements and environments our country has to offer. We are warm, we are happy but definitely hoping to ski tomorrow. 

Goodnight all!