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Amesbury School

2017 school term dates

Amesbury School - October 13, 2016

Planning a get-away at the end of the year, or some time next year?  Here are our start date and term dates for 2017... 

The first day back after a break from school can be both exciting and sometimes a little over whelming for students.  

We have found that the transition back to school works better if students are part of processes such as; introductions and getting familiar with new teachers/students/work spaces, understanding of new expectations, timetables and routines, as well as settling back in with friends.

This can be the case for the start of a new year, term, week, or even a day, as many students find it difficult to 'catch up' and find their place after everyone else has settled in.

As such, the Board Of Trustees have set the start date for 2017 and are letting you know the term dates now, so holiday travels can be booked out of term times.    

The Amesbury School start date for 2017 is Tuesday 31st January

  • Term 1:  31 Jan - 13 April 2017
  • Term 2:  01 May - 07 July 2017
  • Term 3:  24 July - 29 Sept 2017
  • Term 4:  16 Oct - 14 Dec 2017

The last day of school this year is Wednesday 14th December 2016.

Term and school holiday dates are also on the Ministry of Education website.