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Amesbury School

Whānau Connection Hui at the start of 2025

Urs Cunningham - December 11, 2024

On Monday 27th January, the day before school starts in Term 1 2025, each whānau (family) can book in to meet with their child's whānau teacher. Please read on to find out how to book a connection hui.

At Amesbury School, we have a number of ways of reporting to parents.

Ongoing reporting: Your child's learning profile on HERO is available at all times. This shows your child's learning levels, goals and next steps in reading, writing, maths, and social and emotional development. The profile also shows your child's school attendance. 

In Term 1, 2025 we will be holding whānau connection hui at the very start of the year. This is where caregivers and kaiako (teachers) can connect, which is especially useful if your child has not worked closely with this whānau teacher previously. Students are very welcome to come along and be part of the hui - this is optional. The connection hui is a great place for caregivers and parents to share key information about their tamariki.

In Term  2 we will publish a learning report through HERO in the final week of term. This will look at learning behaviours, social behaviours and next steps for your child, along with having goals and learning levels showing on your child's learning profile on HERO. 

In Term 3 will hold student conferences part way through the term. This is where students, caregivers and kaiako (teachers) discuss the child's learning and learning goals. 

Connection Hui in Term 1, 2025

We will be holding our conferences as 15 minute meetings at school. Tamariki (children) are welcome to attend the meeting, but this is optional, not required.

Please find booking information below, including who you need to book a conference with.

When the conferences are running:

Monday 27th January, which is the day prior to school starting for the year. Hui will start from 9am.

How to book a connection hui

We use the 'School Interviews' website to allow parents to book conferences online. Please follow this link to the website.

Use this booking code:  g4663

Who to book with

We are asking parents in all hubs to book a hui with their child's whānau teacher. Please click on this link: Student Conference Groups, which shows the whānau groups for each team - this tells you who to book a conference with.

- Conference bookings will be closed at 7am on Monday 27th  Jan. This allows teachers to be prepared for the conferences they have scheduled, as they will not be checking the schedule through the day.

What will the connection hui cover

*This is a good opportunity to share important information about your child - things they like, areas of strength or passion, things they can find difficult, areas where they may need more support.

*If there were goals or areas of concern from 2024, it is good to share these with the whānau teacher

*This is also a good chance to ask any questions you may have about the year - how the hub will be structured (grouping structures, timetable etc). If you have issues accessing information about your child's learning on HERO or accessing the hub learning website, your child's teacher can help you with this.

If you have any further questions regarding connection hui please don't hesitate to contact Urs Cunningham


Ngā mihi,

The Amesbury team