Share and celebrate ākonga for Week 3 term 1
Urs Cunningham — February 14, 2025
We have had a fabulously positive start to the year, and we have many people to celebrate this week. Read on to find out more.
Our Share & Celebrate events are a time to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga (students) who have been noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. If you have fabulous things your have been doing outside of school that you would like to share and celebrate, please email the details to your child's whānau teacher.
We would also like to congratulate our amazing student leaders who planned and led the celebration - Binuk, Fabeeha and Angela Yang. You were fabulous leaders and fantastically organised. Well done.
Here are the fabulous people who were celebrated this week:
Zara S: For your contribution and connectedness during Digital Skills. You were able to quickly navigate how to bookmark tabs on your Chromebook and then you turned to the student who was quietly sitting next to you and checked in with how they were progressing. Thank you for sharing your skills and supporting those around you Zara. Tino pai!
Lydia, Melody and Talia: For being incredible role models in Literacy. They are consistently on task, and always trying their best. I am also impressed with how they are taking leadership roles in workshops and supporting younger tamariki. Ka rawe!
Adam L: Adam has been participating in various speed cube competitions, which has included travelling to Auckland for the New Zealand Nationals! He had achieved new personal best times.
Basti: For amazing leadership. Your teachers have noticed that you are a true ambassador of Pōhutukawa hub, advising expectation, showing and helping younger students together with helping the teachers, Keep up the fantastic work!
Jedi: Jedi had TWO nominations this week, ka rawe, awesome! 1) Showing great leadership during the workshop with discussions and ensuring that the hub is tidy and our younger students are taken care of and feel welcome. 2) I have seen you show your insiderness in your learning during our inquiry sessions more this term Jedi. You are arriving at your sessions with everything you need and reaching out to a kaiako when you want to further your learning.
Angela Ya, Bella S and Tiffany: When Jemima visited us last week she said was lovely to come and visit the kura and hear the information about the waharoa. You were very informative, girls.
John, Kiki, Angela Ya, Zachary and Rufus: (Angela Ya - TWO nominations for you!) Thank you for coming over to Koru to help us set up our chromebooks! You were amazing role models.
Hunter, Keira J, Keone: Poor Brydon dropped a whole box of rocks after school and these amazing ākonga heard the loud noise and rushed over to help.
Aayuk & Binuk: For helping a Koru student when they fell off their bike. You showed amazing kindness and consideration. Thank you very much!
Miesha, Eliano, Annabelle: For showing leadership during our first Garden to Table session of the year and looking for ways to help without being asked to.
Sophia P, Bayley, James & Hayley B: For their enthusiasm and positivity during their first Garden to Table session.
Booth: For helping a new student settle into our whānau and for working with and supporting him in our writing sessions.
Zachary & Bayley: For helping a new student settle into our whānau and for working with and supporting him in our writing sessions.
Gabriella: You have had a great start to the year. You have jumped in this year and shown amazing leadership.
Shammah: You have been showing great leadership and care. Thank you for volunteering to support others in putting away all the bikes in the shed, you took the initiative to help get kids to bring in the bikes, to look for any equipment left out on the grounds and to check the bikes to see if anything needs to be fixed.
Angela Yu: Angela you have started the year really well and I have seen you show focus on your mahi as well as on being a great responsible year five leader. You have taken on the role of ensuring the pencils are collected and sharpened so that they are ready to be used. Tino pai!
Matthias: Matthias, thank you for being such a supportive, patient, and kind buddy during PE on Thursday this week. Ka rawe!
Jordan, Madelyn & Daniel: For giving basketball a go on Thursday. You were all a bit unsure at first but then joined in and tried your hardest. Ka pai!
Emmy: One of the younger tamariki struggled to open the door as everyone left the learning space. Since he was the last to leave, he called out for help in a very quiet voice. You noticed he wasn’t behind you, heard him, and quickly ran back to open the door before the kaiako could. Miharo, Emmy!
Jireh & Maletā: Thank you for your initiative to tidy the chromebook station and spending your own time doing this! Ka pai
Sharley & Sofi: Thank you for being great helpers in the hub by making sure other ākonga know where they are going, showing them where they are meant to be and helping translate when they need help. Ka pai.
Mahi tika ana, well done to you all for your fantastic work helping others, challenging yourselves, supporting other learners, and showing fabulous leadership. We are so proud of you all.