Every fortnight we have a whole school Share and Celebrate in the hall, where we gather as a school, sing some waiata (songs), and celebrate some of the fabulous things that have been happening in the past two weeks.
Our fourth Share & Celebrate of the term took place on Friday, and we spent time together as a whole school sharing positive things we have been noticing over the past few weeks.
Our Share & Celebrate events are not just for in-school achievements. If your child has been involved in something outside of school that deserves a mention in our celebrations, please let your child's whānau teacher know and we will add it to our list for the next Share & Celebrate.
Below are the ākonga who were celebrated this week.
- Alex G, Booth and Keone: During lunch time you did a great job of reminding students about where they can bike! Ka pai, well done for being great leaders.
- Victoria P: Over the weekend you biked 17km from Newlands to Wellington waterfront. Ka rawe, awesome effort Victoria! A fabulous effort during our Movin' March focus on walking or wheeling.
- Aarush and Ayaan: Over the weekend last week you both completed the Weet-Bix TRYathlon. You did the the Splash (50m swim) and dash (1.5Km run). We are super proud of you.
- Keira T: Keira kindly helped Lauren collect scooters that fell or were not where they should be during lunch time. Thanks for being so helpful, Keira.
- Ollie W: You are consistently being a leader in Koru Hub by choosing the appropriate place to do your learning as well as being a great mat master. Ka mau te wehi, Ollie.
- Hayden S: You have been challenging yourself during reading, writing and maths. You have been working hard and constantly make great choices to support your learning. Kia manawanui (keep going).
- Joseph: You have been practising writing your letters independently everyday. We are so proud to see you trying hard to form the letters all by yourself. Ka pai tō mahi!
- Saanvi: you have been leading your learning both at school and at home, working hard to practise your sounds and numbers at school and at home. You have also been showing great determination to scoot to school everyday. Tino pai, Saanvi!
- Atlas: You have been demonstrating great responsibility at school. You look after your belongings as well as keeping the classroom neat and tidy. Ka pai, well done, Atlas!
- Alofa, Fatimah, Omar and Armand: Last week you challenged Urs to a word writing competition during iTime, and you all wrote so many words that you filled your entire whiteboards. You were very focused and used the word wheels so well to find a wide range of different words. Ka pai for being such engaged and motivated learners.
- Eden, Ronan, Lachlan, Isaac, Ryan, Adam, and John: Big cheers and applause to this incredible group of young gentlemen. Your team work during Speech & Drama lessons is commendable and your Speech & Drama teacher is very proud of your team work, creativity and enthusiasm shown during lessons over the last few weeks. Keep shining brightly and embracing the magic of your unique voices and talents.
- Jorgito: Over the last few weeks you have tried your hardest in literacy time. You have grown so much with your reading and writing, and we can see the progress you have made. Ka pai Jorgito!
- Emmy and Lubanzi: You have both been trying hard in your reading. Ka pai for associating the Jolly Phonics actions to the sound for each letter.
- Jayden A: Well done for taking care of a peer who was hurt on the bike track. You made sure the student could stand by themselves and you walked their bike back to the shed. What a caring friend.
- Nakshathra: Super work showing your expertise in cursive writing. You show the “golden standard” of what a beautiful pukapuka layout should look like. When you get the chance, please look at her excellent handwriting!
- Rufus: You go the extra mile in reading and making every effort to understand the text and share your understanding with others in your group.
- Ashwath, Mia, Jack & Yamuna: Without being asked, these four students did extra tidying and helped others to tidy up messes they hadn’t made. Fabulous kaitiaki work!
- Hatem: You are always listening, showing manaakitanga and being a role model for your peers.
- Claire, Mira and Ire: These three girls are always listening and showing respect to their kaiako and other students. Recently the hub was a real mess at the end of the day. These three girls leapt into action and cleaned up after themselves and others beautifully.
Ka rawe, fabulous mahi from all of our amazing ākonga. A huge well done for your focus, creativity, efforts, energy, help and leadership. You all make our kura and community a purposeful and engaging place to be.
We are loving celebrating these achievements, and we can't wait to see the amazing efforts and contributions being celebrated in our final Share & Celebrate of the term in Week 11, when we will also present our first set of Amesbury Awesomeness awards for 2024.