by John Murrihy

Sports events coming up

Rupert WebbMarch 7, 2024

Yr 5 / 6 Ki-o-rahi festival and Chess tournament

There are two events coming up that your child(ren) may be interested in. Sign up forms will be sent at a later date when we have received more information.

Ki-o-Rahi Festival - Northern Zone Schools (Years 5 & 6)

Date: Tuesday 26 March (ppmt Thursday 28 March)

Venue: Nairnville Park, Khandallah

We will be sending 3 teams of 8 players in each: one year 5 team and two year 6 teams. Given the interest shown already by the year 5 & 6 students, there is likely to be more students wanting to play than there are spaces available. If this happens, selection will be based on the students’ effort in their Ki o Rahi P.E. sessions during the term and in the lead up to the event. The Kelly Sports person leading the Ki o Rahi P.E. sessions and Rupert will make the selection decisions.

Once we get the timings and more information, we will send out a form for you to fill in. It is likely that we will need whānau help with both transport and supervising teams on the day.

New Zealand Chess Federation - Wellington Region Inter-School Competition

We are giving you this info now so that students can start playing chess at school.

We are keen to send Amesbury teams to this Inter-School Chess competition (likely 18th June). It is a team event with each team made up of 4 players plus an optional reserve. Students who want to participate can play at school using the chess sets we have. If anyone has any chess sets they are not using anymore, we can put them to good use. Please email Rupert at if you have a set you can give us.

More details to follow nearer the time. The NZCF Interschools rules are on their website:


Sports Coordinator

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