by John Murrihy
Jemima Colquhoun — March 14, 2024
As part of our fundraising for Year 5/6 camp, we are running an Easter Raffle. Our Year 5&6 whānau have kindly donated prizes for Easter baskets.
Tickets will be on sale until Wednesday 27th March at 7pm.
Each ticket costs $2. We will be sharing photos of the baskets in the coming days via Hero.
To purchase tickets, go to Kindo, click on Easter Raffle and purchase the number of tickets you wish to purchase.
Please note that it will be your child’s name attached to the Kindo account you use to purchase the tickets that goes into the raffle, and the name that would be called out if they win a prize.
The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 28th March during Block 2. The child whose name is drawn out will be called up to get their prize during our school gathering during this time.
Whānau of winning tickets will be emailed after this, and will be able to pick up their prize from the office after school on the 28th March.
Thank you for all your support with this fundraiser.