by Natalie Douglas

Movin' March 2024!

Jemima ColquhounFebruary 15, 2024

Mā raro, mā wīra rānei nā te mea… He Pai! I walk or wheel because it feels good!

Amesbury School will be participating in Movin' March again this year. Movin' March is an initiative from the Greater Wellington Regional Council to encourage students to walk or wheel (scooter, bike etc) to school. 

Tamariki will get a passport card they can get stamps on for every trip (to or from school) they walk or wheel in the month of March. 

Walking or wheeling to school is a great way to get active, know your neighbourhood, kick start learning for the day AND take care of the environment. Remember students don’t have to complete their passports to go in the draw to win a $400 MYRIDE voucher at the end of March! 

We will also be doing draws at school for spot prizes from completed passport cards, and running some special events throughout the month to encourage tamariki to walk or wheel to school. 

If you have any questions, please contact Jemima at

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