by Urs Cunningham
Urs Cunningham — March 14, 2024
NZEI (New Zealand Educational Institute) is holding paid union meetings for all primary kaiako (teachers) who are union members, and all members must attend one of these meetings.
The meetings this term are to:
- Ensure the historic Mana Taurite | pay equity process properly values the skills, and intellectual and emotional effort of our work as teachers
- Shape union priorities for 2024
For primary kaiako (teachers), these meetings will be taking place across the country in the next few weeks. There are several meetings kaiako can attend in our local area, and we will have our kaiako attending meetings on Thursday 28th March and Wednesday 3rd April. Both meetings will be held in the afternoon directly after lunch.
Amesbury School kaiako will be attending these meetings across both of these days, in order to minimise disruption and keep learning happening for tamariki. On both afternoons, some kaiako will attend the meeting, and some kaiako will stay in the hubs and will be joined by leaders. This allows learning programmes to continue as usual on both afternoons, although they may look slightly different to accomodate having fewer/different teachers in some learning spaces.
As we continue through the year we will keep you updated on the priorities the union has identified. Brydon Gillam is our NZEI staff representative this year, and will be the liaison between NZEI and our kaimahi (staff).
Nga mihi,
The Amesbury team