by Amesbury Office

Pizza day lunch orders

Rachel @ Amesbury OfficeFebruary 15, 2024

Do you have 20-30 minutes available to help with pizza orders on some Thursdays?

On average we have about 300 slices of pizza ordered by school families every Thursday, so it's all go - getting bags named, pizza into the bags and then dispatching them to various places for students.

It would be awesome to have a list of people available to help sometimes, so the same ones don't need to do it every week, plus if there are a couple of people helping, the pizza can be quickly packed into bags as soon it arrives, and is ready for the students at lunchtime.

Generally the times are from 12.20pm to approximately 12.40/50pm - packing pizza into bags / tidy up. 

If you're happy for me to add you to the list to help now and again please let me know.  Many thanks.

Rachel: or visit :-)

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