by Communications Amesbury

Understanding communications @ Amesbury

Here is a summary of the ways that we communicate with you about your child and their learning.

School Website  
For all general information your first port of call is our website. You will find all your queries answered about:

  • school lunch orders;
  • upcoming events;
  • ordering new uniform; to
  • co-curricular activities on offer, etc.

School Notices - Amesbury Digest

We don't send home paper notices. We focus on running a digital environment to support our efforts to encourage sustainability. Every Wednesday we send an email that contains all school notices for that week. You’ll find a list of all previously published school notices here. Make sure you keep up-to-date by reading the notices each week.

On each alternate Wednesday, you'll hear from our Principal, Lesley, with an editorial that leads that week's school notices. This is called "The Digest"  and it sweeps up all articles that we have published in the previous two weeks. You can find our previously published Digests here. 

School App

You will receive important reminders about upcoming events, or responses required by you as a parent via the School App. We will use the app to notify you of any emergencies or evacuations, and we will also notify you of emergencies via text. 

Please sign up to our School App by searching 'Amesbury' in the App Store. It is a free app. 

Amesbury Blog

Information relevant to your child’s day to day learning can be found on the School Blog. The blog will supply you with the following information:

  • A summary of all school notices and articles that have been sent;

  • Library information;

  • A link to Amesbury Planning which is where you will find a daily schedule of your child’s learning with their respective teachers. If you want to know exactly what your child is learning and when, this is the place to find it;

  • A link to the Amesbury Learning Blog:

    • this is a great place to find articles written by students about their current learning topics

    • you’ll see links to the online learning platforms that your children use each day (you can then encourage them at home with further learning using these tools)

    • Snappers - short tutorials and videos discussing some of the key learning the students are focusing on

    • To sign up for blog feeds - enter your email address on the right hand side


We publish stories of interest on our Facebook page. We do not publish our school notices on here. Our school Facebook page is visible to the wider community, not just to our school families, and so it contains general information about the school and wider community. More specific school information is kept for our school blog and website.