by Communications Amesbury

School Notices: 7-14 November

Everything you need to know around and about school for the coming week.

Mufti Day - Friday 9th Nov

Our school celebrates multiculturalism. On November 9th we will be celebrating Diwali at Amesbury School. Diwali is a important Hindu celebration that celebrates the New Year and the triumph of good over the bad.

Come in your own special occasion clothes. This outfit can be special to events that you celebrate as a family.

Upcoming Strike:  the School will be closed on the 16th of November because teachers are taking strike action. You will need to make arrangement for the care of your children on that day. 

Athletics: a well deserved congratulations to our Northern Zone Athletics students on Monday. Please see our summary article here

Year 5 & 6 camp: final camp information can be found here

Reminder: please check your online shop account for any outstanding payments, ie: camp. 

Bake sale: Andrea’s Elective Group will be selling home-made cookies, and ice blocks on Monday 12th and Monday 19th at the start of lunchtime as we are learning about making a profit after taking away our expenses. Each item will be sold for $1 each. If you would like your child to buy one, please send along a gold coin. Money raised will go to the Wellington Children's Hospital.

Amesbury TV: these guys have been hard at work preparing another episode for you! See it here

Plans for 2019: If you are not planning for your child/ren (other than all of our Year 6 students) to return to Amesbury School next year, please can you let our leadership team know:;; This will help us with our planning for 2019. Thank you. 

Book Fair: the Book Fair is nearly here! Join the buzz and head along to the foyer to ignite that love of reading in your kids. And tick off some of the Christmas present list at the same time.Money raised from the Book Fair goes towards book rewards for the school.Opens Wed 14th Nov from 2.45pm, and then Thurs 15th, Mon 19th and Tues 20th before and after school, 8.30 to 9.15am and 2.45 to 4.15pm. Cash, Eftpos and visa sales. Volunteers still welcome, pls email Rachel at

Christmas Parade Request - do you have an inverter generator? The Amesbury School Kapa Haka and Choir will be part of the Johnsonville Christmas Parade on the 1st December 2018. We are wondering if anyone has an inverter generator that can be used to plug in 4 microphones. Please email Amaria ( if you are able to help.

Term 4 Learning Celebration - Friday, 23 November, 1.40pm

Please plan to join us for our musical celebration on Friday, 23 November at 1.40pm. A variety of our students will be showcasing their musical talents. You will see the following in action: choir, kapa haka,school band together with our a range of our keyboard, violin, ukelele, guitar, drums, gymnastics and speech and drama students. Please plan to join us, and then stay on for our Bike Track Opening (details below).

Official Bike Track Opening - Friday, 23 November, 3.30pm

We are excited to invite you to our "Official" Bike Track Opening on Friday, 23 November at 3:30pm, after our Term 4 Learning Celebration. There will be a 'best dressed bike' parade. Please see the attached flyer for more details. Mayor Justin Lester will be cutting the ribbon, there will a sausage sizzle and plenty of biking fun. Please come along and join in the fun!

We would really appreciate parent helpers to assist with the sausage sizzle. Please let Rachel at Reception know if you are able to help. 

Second-hand uniform tops for sale:

  • $25 size 12 lemon (as new/sample)
  • $20 size 14 red
  • $15 size 4 red
  • $5 size 4 and 6 (marked)
  • $15 beanies

Lost and Found : The attached photo of clothing found ...

Churton Mark Craft Market Friday 16 November 5.30pm-8pm at AMESBURY SCHOOL – start your Christmas shopping with quality locally produced gifts for sale, entertainment, Sri Lankan food, sausage sizzle, cake stall, KIDS market plus more. Bring the whole family to this free event.
